e-food quiz is semi-automatically generated from the huge amount of detailed food data (foodstuff Ebisu) held by eBASE.It is a health quiz app that supports various eating habits. Included in foods that have a significant impact on healthThree major nutritional components (carbohydrate (sugar), fat, protein) and calorie and salt equivalent in quiz formatIt is an app that you can learn naturally by asking questions. e-food quiz is beginner, intermediate, advanced, special advancedYou can challenge the problem to difficult levels step by step. By gaining knowledge of diet and eating habits for non-illnessWe support healthy life support. Also known as "e-food navi," which is a comprehensive dietary app.It will also lead to comprehensive purchasing support for eating out, prepared meals, and home-cooked meals.■ Sugar diet (carbohydrate)It is a problem of "sugar mass" that produces triglycerides.■ Lipid dietThis is a problem for those who care about the amount of fat intake.■ Muscle building with proteinIt is a problem of protein that creates muscle.■ Prevention of hypertension (salt)It is a problem related to the cause of high blood pressure, "salt content".■ Calorie dietIt is a problem of balanced diet of energy intake.